Grapevine: Abu Dhabi’s Mubadala in fray for India gas biz; Carlyle eyes entry into India's private credit market

Grapevine: Abu Dhabi’s Mubadala in fray for India gas biz; Carlyle eyes entry into India's private credit market

By Shubhobrota Dev Roy

  • 12 May 2023
  Grapevine: Abu Dhabi’s Mubadala in fray for India gas biz; Carlyle eyes entry into India's private credit market
Credit: Pexels

Abu Dhabi’s sovereign fund Mubadala Investment Company is in the fray with a host of Japanese backers including Sumitomo to pick up a 30% stake in US-based private equity firm’s Indian natural gas distribution business, a media report said.   As per The Economic Times’ report, the deal is likely to ......

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