Explore prospects of ed-tech services @ VCCircle Education Investment Summit 2015

Explore prospects of ed-tech services @ VCCircle Education Investment Summit 2015


  • 18 Nov 2015
Explore prospects of ed-tech services @ VCCircle Education Investment Summit 2015

India’s education sector has received a fresh impetus with the rise of education-technology, or ed-tech, services as young entrepreneurs use their technical expertise to impart knowledge and training. The ed-tech segment has seen the emergence of a number of players offering services like learning, assessment, online tutoring, digital content and test preparation.

This, in turn, has renewed interest of venture capital investors in the education sector. Taking note of these trends, the VCCircle Education Investment Summit, to be held on November 26 at The Westin, Gurgaon, will focus on ed-tech and its prospects.

Despite the positive outlook, the ed-tech segment also faces the problem of scaling up, as some experts and investors have voiced concern with regard to the longevity of these services. At the event, participants will discuss what these firms need to do to ensure they do not run out of steam in the longer run despite angels and mentors willing to fund them.


The summit will seek to find out whether ed-tech can help make education socially more inclusive and contribute to achieving quality and affordable education for all. Besides, participants will discuss whether ed-tech can foray into the formal K-12 schooling as well as higher and vocational education. Many other issues will also be covered during the summit.

The summit will be attended by sector experts, professionals working on a social agenda for education, entrepreneurs looking to disrupt delivery of education through technology, marquee investors as well as industry consultants and advisors.

Main topics to be discussed:


Picking the nerve of elementary education in India: Have we done enough?

  • K-12 education in India: Taking quality education beyond Tier-I schools and cities.
  • Vocational education: Skilling India’s human capital.
  • Ed-Tech: If you fund it, will it scale?
  • Ed-Tech: Transforming the way India learns.

The summit will also provide a platform for select companies in the education sector to showcase their services and products. To apply write to Kanika at kanika@vccircle.com/ or call 0120-4171111.

To participate, register now or write to Kanika at register@vccircle.com.


For branding and sponsorship opportunities, write to Vijay at vijay@vccircle.com.

Send us your views, ideas and suggestions on Twitter; use our event hashtag: #VCCEDU


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