Digitalization Emerges With Newer Mediums of Entertainment

Digitalization Emerges With Newer Mediums of Entertainment

By Team Brand Solutions

  • 25 May 2021
Digitalization Emerges With Newer Mediums of Entertainment
Rohit Chaddha, CEO, Zee Digital +

Human society is inclined towards things of interest. This mere inkling in all of us made us step into the world of an artform that we call today, Entertainment. We, as a species, strive for an escape from our reality with the help of Entertainment. It’s essential to consider how Covid has impacted this industry.

We shall look into how Digitalization has helped shape newer forms of entertainment for our convenience. Whether it is virtual gaming, social media platforms, online shopping, or daily drama shows, everything is linked with the use of Digital Media and its services.

Daily Media & Entertainment


One way or another we are consuming media and entertainment hand-in-hand. It is a habit to be informed about things and to be able to procure that information with the help of digital mediums. Whether it is our digital assets or the newspaper that we read, everything has a touch of digitalization in it. If we are going to talk about entertainment, then we cannot forget the importance of digital media in bringing in the latest gossip, trends, fashion, news, and other important aspects that every one of us are required to know daily. This is one way to know how massive the media and entertainment industry is today because of its shared importance of collective information that is gathered from different sources. 

The new wave of Entertainment platforms

  • Television
    Whether it is educational, political, or general knowledge regarding any topic, we can consume it with just a touch of our fingertips. If you are bored, you can switch on your TV and look through several channels providing various products of entertainment ranging from news, dramas to scientific research and this doesn’t end here. With the help of various digital media platforms, you can choose to use any of these high-functioning entertainment sources to watch and pass your free time from the comfort of your bedroom. 
  • Internet and OTT Platforms
    With a tap on your phone, you can find any information that you wish to gather. As for the importance of OTT Platforms when the first wave of Covid-19 hit us, all of us were stuck at home without anything to do but these OTT Platforms including Netflix, Disney+, Amazon Prime, Hotstar and others gave us hope and something to look forward to the next day. With their wide ranges of movies, TV series, original series, and every sort of entertainment source that we would like to have on a boring day and not just that, from award shows, conclaves, workshops, events etc, everything is made easier for us with the changing dynamics of the industry with changing times. In tough times like today when the pandemic has stopped us from going outside, the use of Digitalization has been a boon amidst all this chaos.
  • Digital Assets
    You can work from home efficiently, watch your favorite shows without any problem and even interact with your friends as well as your favorite celebrities through various platforms. There's nothing you cannot do without Digital Media. It's everywhere and very rightfully made us feel less lonely through its never-ending contents and a vast amount of information. 
  • Gaming
    The world of gaming saw substantial growth with online gaming taking the arena with over 1.6 billion video game purchases since the pandemic struck the world. The numbers keep increasing to this day. Many online storefronts have completely changed their way of production and interaction with their users according to the networking services as well as the digital mediums. This small detail resulted in unbelievable profits in the past few years. The gaming industry sets an important component in the online market and with the use of smartphones and several other apps stores; gaming has undergone a rapid evolution ever since its existence. Brands such as Xbox Game Pass, Google Stadia, and Steam are a few setting great standards as popular Gaming giants. 

The Overall Impact


Now, if we are to simply put the use of digitalization in the world of the entertainment industry, we can say that it enhances the capability of various entertaining sources by making it easier for us to acquire the same through various OTT platforms such as Netflix, Amazon Prime, Hotstar, Viki, Viu, along with social networking sites, Payment Portals, digital assets and many more. It is a revolution without which the future of entertainment would have been at high risk. 

This also depends on the media consumption habits with the changing consumer interfaces and new inventions coming up every day. The use of Digitalization in the Entertainment Industry has resulted in a major key factor that has broadened the horizons of the social ecosystem in our day-to-day life. 

The world has a lot of entertainment to offer, from people uploading new content on social media platforms to people making some to the good old television series today, we can go anywhere and be amazed at the world of entertainment. All these options are different from one another, but they all have one thing in common - Digitalization. 


With proper key optimization and the use of newer digital assets, the future of the Entertainment Industry is assumed to rise higher than its current state and gain more profits for the coming future. There would be a time where we will be able to interact with the very screen that creates a boundary to the other side of this world. Until then, all we need to do is wait for technology to take its iconic form and develop into what can only be dreamt of!

Brand Solutions is a marketing initiative for sponsored posts. No VCCircle journalist was involved in the creation of this content.


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