Norbert Fernandes


19 September, 2016

How the Markov process can help in the times of markdowns

Startups in India seem to be going through a rough patch these days. Not a day passes by without a ......


13 May, 2015

Risk vs volatility: misunderstood partners in crime

I hear these two terms – risk and volatility – all day long, almost always interchangeably. They sound like the ......


03 December, 2014

The race towards the lowest common denominator

You favourite local eatery has just been replaced by a snazzy Starbucks/McDonalds.Your favourite music is nowhere to be seen or ......


06 November, 2014

Of alternative boom-bust cycles and crazy e-commerce valuations

Several years ago, I came across an interesting piece of research (by the then-Merrill Lynch). They had analysed long term ......