Mohanjit Jolly


07 November, 2016

Entrepreneurial innovation continues to thrive despite the funding slowdown

While every trip to India seems to be eventful, the last one was especially enlightening and entertaining. Once again, the ......


16 August, 2016

Overseas VCs need to step up their game in India

Over nearly a decade, I have had the pleasure of watching the Indian venture ecosystem evolve not just as an ......


22 February, 2016

The art of self-awareness

I have a 2x2 matrix in my office (which I have mentioned in a previous article as well). On the ......


21 December, 2015

Yes, No and a Definite Maybe

I have never started a piece with a joke, but I will make an exception here. Here goes…Husband comes back ......


13 October, 2015

Keeping it simple, one equation at a time

It is lonely at the top as a startup CEO. Moreover, as an entrepreneur, one has to wear multiple hats ......


28 August, 2015

Why first-time entrepreneurs should understand the role of VCs

Despite the recent market doldrums, I love the fact that the global entrepreneurial zest is in full swing, and billions ......


09 March, 2015

It's about the people, people

I often host groups of business school students conducting their annual obligatory tour of Sand Hill Road Venture Capital firms. ......


06 January, 2015

2014 – the year when India arrived on the global map

In March 2014, I remember speaking at the annual Harvard Business School India conference. The mood was somber. I had ......


25 November, 2014

The balanced entrepreneur

In the summer of 1991, I had the pleasure of backpacking through Europe with three of my MIT fraternity brothers. ......


26 September, 2014

The valuation dichotomy and the boomerang effect

I recently came back from an absolutely exhausting, yet exhilarating 10-day, six-city, two-continent, three-country trip through India, the UK and China. ......