Twitter ad revenues forecast to near $1B in 2014

By Nic Brisbourne

  • 01 Apr 2013

I have been wondering lately how Twitter was getting on. Anecdotally people and companies seem to be getting more and more out of the site and its data but the chat I’ve heard about the efficacy of its advertising products has largely been negative. Well it turns out the business is doing very well. As you can see from the chart above revenues have now reached a reasonable scale and continue to grow very fast. 100% year-on-year growth for a business of this scale is impressive.

Moreover, their star is rising, according to Forbes a year ago eMarketer was forecasting Twitter’s 2014 revenues at $540m, 43% less than the $950m they are now forecasting. Over half of ad revenues are on mobile and an IPO could come next year.

(Nic Brisbourne is partner at DFJ Esprit, one of Europe's leading venture capital firms. The post has been reproduced with the author’s permission from his blog, The Equity Kicker.)

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