Plutus Wealth’s MD, Haldiram Snacks, others bet on solar panel maker

Plutus Wealth’s MD, Haldiram Snacks, others bet on solar panel maker

By Aman Rawat

  • 10 Jun 2024
Plutus Wealth’s MD, Haldiram Snacks, others bet on solar panel maker
Plutus Wealth, managing partner, Arpit Khandelwal

Plutus Wealth’s managing partner Arpit Khandelwal, Haldiram Snacks, venture capitalist firm Viney Equity Market LLP, as well as several high net-worth individuals and investment management firms have invested in a homegrown solar panel manufacturer and power company.   In total, 81 investors collectively put in Rs 731.4 crore (around $87.6 million) in ......

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