Nikhil Jathar: Steering AvanSaber Technologies to New Frontiers in Tech

By Team Insights Focus

  • 31 Jan 2024

In the fast-paced world of technology, where innovation is the key to staying ahead, Nikhil Jathar, the tech-founder of AvanSaber Technologies Pvt Ltd, has made a significant mark. With a history of successful ventures, including multiple mobile app exits and the creation of the acclaimed SaaS company, Jathar has proven his mettle in leading and growing technology-driven businesses. His expertise in ERP, SCM, and inventory management, coupled with the strategic integration of AI, has been pivotal in developing solutions like ZapInventory and AutoBotWriter, further cementing AvanSaber's position in the competitive market.

Qcplay Digital Co., Ltd Acquires "Super Snail" iOS App Name from AvanSaber Technologies

In a strategic move, Qcplay Digital Co., Ltd (Hong Kong) has announced the acquisition of the iOS App name "Super Snail" from AvanSaber Technologies. This acquisition is a part of Qcplay's initiative to align the naming of their suite of applications globally and represents a potential expansion within the gaming universe. "We are excited to secure the 'Super Snail' name," said Senior Manager Steve Lynn of Qcplay Digital Co., Ltd. "This acquisition allows us to align our global app naming and reflects our commitment to growth, innovation, and providing engaging mobile gaming experiences."

AvanSaber Technologies: A Chronicle of Innovation and Growth

Since its establishment in 2014, AvanSaber Technologies has specialized in commerce and enterprise software, developing software products like ZapInventory and launching AutoBotWriter, an AI-powered content tool. The company has generated millions in revenue and provided consulting services that have saved millions for enterprises. AvanSaber's commitment to excellence has been recognized with multiple awards, including the prestigious ‘GetApp Category Leader’ by ‘Gartner Digital’ (The Gartner Digital Market is composed of Capterra, GetApp, and Software directories), and has garnered excellent reviews in the SaaS community.

In a recent development, Invensync, Inc. USA has acquired a significant stake in With this acquisition, Nikhil Jathar will join the board of Invensync, Inc. while continuing his role at AvanSaber and its products, such as InventoryPath,, and SocialMan.AI. 

An example of Nikhil Jathar's strategic foresight and innovative approach can be seen in his recent collaboration with a multinational manufacturing corporation. Mr. Jathar worked closely with the corporation to deploy proprietary AI models aimed at enhancing the efficiency of its supply chain networks. The AI system yielded insights that resulted in a significant 30% decrease in supply chain expenses and a 25% enhancement in delivery durations. This instance not only underscores Jathar's expertise in AI and supply chain management but also his ability to drive tangible improvements in operational efficiency. Nikhil Jathar's journey with AvanSaber Technologies is a testament to strategic foresight, a customer-focused approach, and an unwavering commitment to software technology innovation. Under his leadership, AvanSaber has achieved excellence and emerged as an industry leader, ready to tackle the future challenges of the technology landscape.