Brad Feld - Author at VCCircle

Brad Feld

How Many Deals Should Be Needed To Return A VC Fund?


15 March, 2016

How Many Deals Should Be Needed To Return A VC Fund?

Fred Wilson has another excellent post up titled Venture Fund Economics: When One Deal Returns The Fund.  He continues his ......

How does a small company make a big company successful?


02 February, 2015

How does a small company make a big company successful?

tl;dr: As a small company, focus on two things with big companies: “1. What can we, the small company do, ......

We will never need another financing


27 January, 2015

We will never need another financing

I hear some version of this one all the time.“We will never need another financing.”“This financing will get us to ......

Victims and leaders


29 October, 2014

Victims and leaders

In a recent board meeting, at a particularly challenging part of the conversation, I did a retrospective of the past ......

After Failure, What's Next?


20 June, 2014

After Failure, What's Next?

Recently, I wrote a post titled After Your First Big Success, What’s Next? The comment thread was powerful and fascinating, ......

My first experience as a venture capitalist


08 January, 2014

My first experience as a venture capitalist

I often get asked how I ended up becoming a venture capitalist. When people ask me how they can become ......

The reputational damage of non-responsiveness


12 August, 2013

The reputational damage of non-responsiveness

VCs love to say things like “we are entrepreneur friendly.” It’s trendy, catchy, and looks good on a blog post. ......

Sometimes failure is your best option


25 July, 2013

Sometimes failure is your best option

Some entrepreneurs and investors subscribe to the creed “failure is not an option.” I’m not one of them.I strongly believe ......

It's your job to improve your team


20 May, 2013

It's your job to improve your team

At this year’s NVCA meeting, my partner (who was the chair of the event) interviewed Dick Costolo, the CEO of ......

What is the appropriate time horizon of a financial model for VCs?


01 February, 2013

What is the appropriate time horizon of a financial model for VCs?

Q: When building a financial projection model for a pitch to VC’s, should you include future rounds of funding in ......