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shopping malls

Blackstone in talks with Kolkata developer for breakthrough deal


26 March, 2019

Blackstone in talks with Kolkata developer for breakthrough deal

Alternative investment giant Blackstone is in talks with a Kolkata company that could translate into a one-of-its-kind platform-style deal by ......

Blackstone adds new retail asset in India portfolio


16 December, 2016

Blackstone adds new retail asset in India portfolio

Global private equity giant Blackstone Group, which has bought a slew of malls in India in the recent past, has ......

Xander Group's Virtuous Retail finally finds buyer for malls

Real Estate

20 October, 2016

Xander Group's Virtuous Retail finally finds buyer for malls

Virtuous Retail, the retail development arm of The Xander Group Inc., has finally found a buyer for its shopping malls ......

Blackstone goes in for retail therapy in India


19 April, 2016

Blackstone goes in for retail therapy in India

Blackstone Group LP, the world's largest private equity investor in real estate, has built one of the biggest portfolios of ......


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