The Classroom Show - Episode 1: Incorporating a company

The Classroom Show - Episode 1: Incorporating a company

By VCC Staff

  • 11 Mar 2013

VCCTV, the video channel of VCCircle, is pleased to bring to you a new content presentation with Season 1 of The Classroom show, a weekly video tutorial to be held every Friday, for aspiring entrepreneurs to enthusiastic investors and even well-established SMEs.

Conducted by senior partners from India’s leading M&A, tax advisory and law firms, and produced by VCCTV, The Classroom will showcase 20 episodes and walk you through every detail – from the basics of incorporating a private company to the intermediate topics like how investors can come together to start a venture fund and all the way to the legal nitty-gritty of filing for an IPO, understanding the complex legalities of taxation and more.

In the debut episode, we bring you what a private company is and how to incorporate one. So welcome to The Classroom, Episode 1: Private Cos & Their Incorporation.


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